Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Houdini Fur Tutorial!

Check it out! It was just posted yesterday, so I have not watched it yet, but it sounds like a good hour-long tutorial at some of the methodology behind fur. Plus they're working on a hobo!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cabela's visit

So a week ago we went to Cabela's. Here are some photos I took while we were there! Apologies for the poor colors: this at least gives is the idea of what he will look like. 

First, for Papa's fur. This is what we don't want:

Shaggy, bushy, etc. = nope. Instead:

Short, dense fur —sleek and directed. His shape is clearly defined. That's Papa. 

Friday, February 14, 2014


Hey Team!

In order for us to make Ram's Horn the best BYU animated film ever, we are going to use this little blog as a place to collect reference! Because we all know that we're not going to be able to create amazing character effects unless we study real life and animated films!

You'll notice that you've all been invited to be authors on this blog. You'll also notice the fancy little tabs at the top of the page. Whenever you're gathering reference or posting your effects tests, PLEASE post them under the correct tab. Labeling is also preferable.

So, you're first assignment is gather as much reference as possible of hair and fur. For those of you who attended the DreamWorks presentation, you'll remember Tiffany telling us that goats and rams have a variety of hair that changes from their bodies to faces to hooves etc. Remember that we want our fur and hair to look believable, though not necessarily realistic. However, we still need to do our fair share of studying from life.

By Wednesday, February 19, have your hair and fur references up on the blog. We'll be having our first CFX review that day. So get cracking!

